Monday, November 30, 2009


Well, now that Thanksgiving is over, I guess the official Christmas season has begun and I could not be any more excited =) Our Thanksgiving holiday in Lubbock was wonderful. I could not have asked for a better time or more fun people to be with. All of the food was delicious and there was a ton of it (enough even for the 23 of us!) It was really great to get to bond with all of my cousins, especially the ones I won't see for 3-4 years as they are moving to Papua New Guinea to do mission work. I know they will have such an adventure, but I will miss seeing them for that long.

I have so much to be thankful for in my life. I was born into such a wonderful family that loves me so much. I sometimes muse about how different my life could have been if I had been born to a poor family in New York, natives in Brazil, or a really rich family in California. Things could be so different, but I am glad they are not. I love my life and most everything in it. The only thing I would change right now is that I would be done with school and moving on to the next stage of my life. I know, I know. Supposedly college is the best time of your life, and things only get more stressful after it. But I won't miss the papers and homework, having to worry about tests constantly, and the mundane/boring classes. I'm just a little tired of being at college. It kinda makes you feel cut-off from the rest of the world, like the only thing that matters is school work. But I could not be more appreciative that I am blessed enough to be here.

Now, for a short week of school and then finals week. Christmas will be here so soon!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I have been so preoccupied lately with the inundation of worries in my life. I recently got an internship to begin in the spring, and just thinking about starting a new job and the stress that entails has really been hard on me lately. Don't get me wrong- I feel so blessed to get an amazing job with a lot of potential, but starting a new job is always scary.

So this morning, I did something I wouldn't normally do, but I really felt like I needed to get back in touch with myself and work through some personal issues so I stayed at home rather than going to church this morning. I decided to look through Beltway's sermons they have on their website, and I was blessed to find one totally focused on worrying. Did you know our word "worry" originally came from the word "worien" which meant "to grasp by the throat with the teeth and lacerate or strangle to death" ? We really do torment ourselves with things that we cannot change or fix. If we focus on those things, it will only "strangle" us in a way and prevent us from enjoying life and the joy God wants us to have.

It helped me so much to be reminded of the importance of trusting in God. Finding true, Godly peace does not come from the lack of hardship or troubles, but rather from the knowledge of that God is present in our lives and cares for us.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Man, you know what is the worst? When you thought up something amazing to do/say, but it is too late. For example, a really good comeback to an insult, an amazing idea of what to dress up as for Halloween, or the fact that a good TV show was on that you should have watched, but didn't know it was on.

Additionally, I really want a puppy. I hope I get to live in a house next year that allows dogs.

Now, back to tedious work at the library.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Here are a list of my favorite things... people, movies, words, situations, feelings, smells... you name it. I love makings lists... especially lists of things that make me happy! So here it goes:

  • wearing scarves
  • typing
  • painting
  • watching epic movies
  • wearing my comfy pants
  • making hazelnut coffee in the morning
  • gerbera daisies
  • getting hand written notes
  • little kids being legitimately joyful
  • my used, loved Bible
  • getting a new purse
  • taking pictures of random things that make me laugh
  • seeing squirrels try to "hide" from you by freezing their movement
  • getting inbox messages on Facebook
  • blogging
  • decorating
  • homemade hot chocolate
  • finding really cool things for really cheap
  • wearing ridiculous socks
  • naps
  • when my mom thinks of really random, nice things to do for me
  • when I get texts from David in the middle of the night
  • having my dog wake me up
  • delicious fajitas from On the Border
  • a brand new diary
  • a new episode of House
  • when people call and want to spend time with me
  • getting a lot of homework done in one afternoon
  • Swiffer-ing the apartment
  • wearing sweatshirts
  • the word "subpoena"
  • getting really dressed up
  • funny quotes from Nacho Libre
  • working on homework upstairs at the library with a Carmel Macchiato
  • jewelry
  • Christmas caroling
  • riding my bike
  • swimming when the pool is not cold
  • Josh Groban's music
  • reading for hours
  • being with my whole, huge family
  • knowing that Jesus loves me and was here on Earth.
  • going trap shooting
  • Coldstone ice cream
  • Twilight
  • getting a job
  • driving on a beautiful, fall day
  • having a favorite song come on the radio randomly
  • vintage clothing and art
  • traveling.
  • ancient history and artifacts
  • the word "superfluous"
  • stepping on crunchy acorns
  • playing with puppies
  • taking Sydney for a walk
  • playing tennis
  • the smell of laundry
  • going somewhere where everyone knows your name
  • finding really cool things at Marshall's
  • dress shopping
  • Groucho Marx quotes... such as "You're making a mountain out of a molehill!", "Well that's quite a trick! You should try it sometime"
  • finding old, funny photos of you and friends doing silly things
That can be enough for now. Life can be really good sometimes.

Monday, September 14, 2009

New School Year

Wow. I can't believe this is my senior year. College has flown by! I am enjoying most of my classes even though they are a lot of work. My schedule is also amazing!!! On Monday and Wednesday, I have Bible, Cross Training, and Advanced Accounting. On Tuesday and Thursday, I have Business Law, Auditing, and Business and Professional Writing. On Fridays, all I have are Bible and Cross Training, which is amazing. Although I will have to study a lot this semester, I am enjoying my classes and what I am learning. I am feeling like this college is really preparing me to be an accountant someday, in whatever field I choose to be in.

I have been feeling so blessed lately. I have an amazing family who supports me and encourages me, and I have a wonderful boyfriend that helps me through hard times and helps me calm down when I am stressed out. I love having my own room in an apartment this year- it really makes me feel like I am more at home in this city away from my home. Living in the dorms just always made me feel like I was camping out away from home. I also have some great roommates/apartment-mates that are fun to be with and help me out whenever I need it. While it hasn't been good for me financially, getting my hours cut in half at the library is really probably best for my school work and my stress level. I think 10 hours a week is really all I could handle right now anyways. I am also really enjoying being a part of a lifegroup and I recently joined the SALT organization so I look forward to all that will entail.

I know I have to make a lot of decisions this semester concerning grad school and things like that, but I am really not all that worried about it and am actually starting to look forward to what the future may hold. It is really nice to finally feel at home here and to not mind being away from home. The past two years were really hard in that regard, and I am glad I feel more independent and integrated into college life.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A little bit of life

This is one of those times where I really want to write a great post, full of humor and wisdom. However, I have none of those things right now haha.

The past couple of weeks, I have just been working at the school, and am getting to be more adept at answering phones and doing receptionist work. It's not as bad as I thought it might be. Everyone here is very nice and helpful.

Every day, I am getting more and more ready to go back to school. I am actually pretty excited to start classes again. I can't believe this is my last year of school! I would be really really excited... except for the fact that I will more than likely be doing graduate school. blah. I have so many questions about grad school, and am a little stressed out when I think about it. So I am just not going to think about it. haha

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Well, I have hit that magical point of time in the summer when I am suddenly ready to go back to school. Whether it be boredom at home, frustration with people, or just being excited to move into my apartment, I am ready.

Friday, July 17, 2009


People keep asking me "So how is it, adjusting back to being in America?" And I must tell you- it is great! I hadn't realized just how much I loved Texas until I had to leave it. Sure, it's REALLY hot here, and some people say it is boring, but I don't think so. I will confess, it is really hot when you go outside, but at least there is AC when you go indoors to cool you off. In most of Europe, there is no AC. So you go from being really warm outside, to walking inside a building where the air is all still and it is no cooler. It is really pretty uncomfortable. One other thing that is just so great about America is that you get free refills in almost every restaurant. McDonalds wouldn't even give us a free refill over there. Crazy, no?

I loved Europe. I will have to say my favorite place to be was in Rome. I knew we would get to see tons of cool old landmarks, but I just didn't know how much I would love the general feel of the city. It actually seemed really clean to me, everyone there was so friendly and always wanted to help us, and it just seemed so timeless. Now I know why they call it the Eternal City. It really was a gorgeous city- everything from the Mediterranean foliage and the beautiful gardens to the gigantic Colloseum made me realize I was in a special place that was the home of some of the worlds most incredible sites.

I feel so blessed I was able to study abroad in England and visit France, Ireland, and Italy. It was truly an amazing experience that I will never forget and always treasure. I also feel incredibly blessed that I was able to find a job for this next month until I have to return to school. I had been very stressed about not having a job the rest of the summer after spending so much money in Europe. But I found out today that I will be able to be a part-time receptionist until school starts. Hope this finds you all doing well.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Europe has been awesome! So far, I have been to Oxford, Paris, Caen, and Bayeux. I will admit, I haven't loved every single moment of the trip and have been a little homesick, but for the most part am enjoying myself immensely. I loved Paris. It was truly a magical place. And driving around the French countryside to visit various towns in Normandy was amazing as well. I hope everyone is having a great summer!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I love being home. There is nothing like having the dog wake me up and hearing Mom in the kitchen making me breakfast, taking the little sister to school, and going to lunch with David. I have had a wonderful week here at home just relaxing and seeing my friends and family.

So many people say that you will lose touch with the friends you had in high school/youth group, but so far, we always consistently hang out together and have a ton of fun when we are all home, and that is something I miss a lot whenever I am not home.

I also cannot believe this coming fall, I will be a senior! I am pretty sure I am going to do graduate school at Baylor, but I am nervous about applying, interviewing for things, finding money, and registering all over again. It was stressful enough two years ago, and I'm sure it will be this time around as well. But it will be totally worth it and I can't wait.

David and I bought a couple of really good smelling Yankee candles today, so I am going to go light my favorite, eat a bowl of cereal, and watch a good Columbo episode.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


It doesn't feel like summer at all. I just got home yesterday and unloaded everything from my car-my room is so packed with stuff! I already miss everyone from the pod a lot. It will be really strange to not live with them in the fall. I am not quite ready to go to Oxford yet. I mean, I'm excited, but it is nice to just relax at home for right now. I love being home.

Monday, May 4, 2009


I went and stayed with my grandparents and my aunt and uncle this weekend. It was so nice. Sometimes, I think we take our family for granted and forget what a huge part of our life they are a part of, whether good or bad. I love my family to death and am so glad to have them as part of my life and know they will be around long after I have moved away from all my friends and move on with my life after college. It is kinda comforting. One of the biggest joys for me is being able to go home for the weekend to a place where I am totally familiar with ever aspect of it and am loved tremendously. I know it isn't like that for everyone, and I am sorry. But I did want to acknowledge my blessings and thank God for what I have been given in my family.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I cannot believe classes are almost over. Only a week and a half to go! Even though this has definitely been my most busy and stressful semester, I have had so much fun being with all my friends/pod-mates, and getting to feel more included on campus. I will actually be fairly sad when it is all over since I won't be living with my best friends in the fall. But- I will also be really excited when this semester is over since my brother will be here in the fall, I won't be living in a dorm, and I will be headed to Europe in less than a month!!! I cannot wait to experience the different cultures abroad and learn neat things about different places, food, and people.

Other than having to finish up a database project, I am pretty much settling down for coasting through the last week of school and into finals. I have been so blessed and I'm so thankful for the support from my amazing family, David, and also that I have such fun friends that help to take my mind off of the stressful things in life. I am also very thankful for my job. It is amazing to be able to go in to work whenever I want, for as long as I want. There is no way I would be able to work a job right now that had a fixed schedule. God is great.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So today I am just not all that happy. I'm not totally sure why, I just feel like I'm trying to trudge uphill against the masses or something. I told myself I wasn't going to write a blog that was anything but positive, but I just couldn't help it today. Today is also just one of those days where I have no patience and feel pretty anti-social. It is probably just because school is crazy and hectic right now, and my grades aren't all I want them to be, or that I miss my David terribly and feel kinda lonely.

I know it isn't good to live in the future and wish the present was over, but who wouldn't wish they were at home in the summer with their loved ones instead of being at school struggling to get 3 different projects done this week?

If you read this, just pray for me to have a better attitude about things, and to have patience and love in my heart until the future does inevitably arrive.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I am so glad I have Jesus in my life. No matter how bad things may get, or how how well things are going for me, I know I will always be blessed with the love and comfort that having a relationship with Jesus gives. Even though my relationship with God seems as if it has become a little weakened this past year, I am taking the time to remind myself to try and make it better and stronger. I love Jesus and believe he can do incredible things in a person's life. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I feel really happy today, probably because the weather has been perfect all day. I also got my first pedicure today =) It was lovely and now my little toes are lovely too.

I am so glad I get to go home for Easter tomorrow. Just thinking about Easter always makes me think of little kids searching for eggs, a good church service, a delicious lunch, and being outside on a wonderfully sunny day. Yay! I just love hummingbirds, don't you?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I feel kind of strange today. I really just want to sit outside and contemplate things and relax, but it is a little chilly outside today so I can't really do that. I also have a big project due on Thursday that I wanted to finish tonight, but I have several questions about it, so I have to wait until after I talk to my professor tomorrow afternoon. But I know I will keep having this nagging feeling that I should be working on it.

This is the first semester I have really been stressed about school work. It is also the first time that even though I study really hard, I am not making the grades I wanted. Oh well. I just need to calm down and take a breath... and remember that in 30 years, I will be able to look back on everything that is currently happening and realize it was all ok and happened for a reason.

Monday, April 6, 2009


You know, there really is no place like home. Even though I spend a great deal of time here at college with all of my good friends, I would really rather be at home than anywhere else. I love being with my family and being involved in their lives. It is also pretty hard to have a boyfriend when he lives 180 miles away. But I will say, I think we have mastered the long distance relationship =)

I went home this past weekend, and it was amazing. David and I took Kathryn and Sydney down to the lake on Friday afternoon and it was so much fun. On saturday, my mom cooked me my favorite meals, and I just relaxed with everyone and had a super nice day.

School can be really stressful sometimes, and it is so nice to get away and have things back the way they used to be for a couple days.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursdays are always great.

I have always loved Thursday nights at school- they pretty much are just like Friday, except better because all of my podmates are actually in town. I also never have homework on Thursdays.

Today was amazing because:
  • My new baby cousin was born!
  • My mom drove through unexpectedly and I got to eat a delicious lunch with her
  • Work wasn't too bad
  • My friends completely surprised me with a pre-birthday dinner! They also gave me a gift certificate to get my first pedicure/manicure!
  • I did laundry, packed, took a shower, and wrote a short bible paper all in about 2 hours. I love feeling like I accomplished a lot
  • I did a little better on a test than I thought I did
  • And now I am watching Lord of the Rings with my best friend!
Some days I just feel really blessed and happy to be alive, and today is one of them. Here is a painting from my favorite artist, Natasha Wescoat

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


  • I've decided I really want to take up photography again. I always have been so interested in it and love when other people take really cool pictures!
  • I've decided I really like girly things... girly colors, clothes, weird little phrases...
  • I had delicious BBQ chicken tonight.
  • My room got completely covered with foil today for April Fools. It was amazing. This picture only gives you a small glimpse at the chaos and overwhelming shiny-ness.
  • I had a several people ask me if I was sick or told me I looked really tired today. Don't you love that?
  • I am so blessed. I have such amazing people in my life.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So last night, three of my podmates and I decided we were going to start writing the whole New Testament, starting with Matthew. We set a goal of writing one chapter every day. I think this will be really cool, because #1, I love writing things. #2, I will actually read the Bible every day. #3, It is something we can do together as friends that is encouraging and fun. We were talking about how it makes us feel like monks who used to write the entire bible with a quill and parchment.

It is freezing outside today! What is with this weather? 40 degrees in the morning to 80 degrees in the afternoon. What is a person supposed to wear?

Monday, March 30, 2009


So today I got my class ring in the mail. It was kinda weird because it made me realize that I really am graduating from college next spring. I will have to get out and find a real job, not just working at Dippin' Dots or at the library on my campus. I will also have to make the final decision about where to go to graduate school and arrange all of that. I'm not really worried about any of it, its just weird to think about because I still feel SOOO young, and I am.

Random thought: While scrolling through random blogs, I noticed most of them were in a foreign language. How socially unaware I was to assume that it's mostly Americans who use sites like Blogger. Going to Europe and learning about so many different cultures will be so good for me.

Doesn't this look delicious and remind you of summer?

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I am so glad spring is finally here. My mood always gets so much better when it is not cold and all of the trees look dead.

I've decided that even though I have to work today and do a ton of homework, today is going to be a good day. I got to wake up and get pretty for church, go with a good friend, and it is just beautiful outside! I can't wait to go about my day and see what new adventures it brings!