Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So last night, three of my podmates and I decided we were going to start writing the whole New Testament, starting with Matthew. We set a goal of writing one chapter every day. I think this will be really cool, because #1, I love writing things. #2, I will actually read the Bible every day. #3, It is something we can do together as friends that is encouraging and fun. We were talking about how it makes us feel like monks who used to write the entire bible with a quill and parchment.

It is freezing outside today! What is with this weather? 40 degrees in the morning to 80 degrees in the afternoon. What is a person supposed to wear?


Audrey said...

I'm sorry that I did not attend the bible thing. But I still want to join! Am i too late????

Kristin said...

no! you totally should! the more people the better!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I am glad you are blogging again- I missed you!