Monday, November 30, 2009


Well, now that Thanksgiving is over, I guess the official Christmas season has begun and I could not be any more excited =) Our Thanksgiving holiday in Lubbock was wonderful. I could not have asked for a better time or more fun people to be with. All of the food was delicious and there was a ton of it (enough even for the 23 of us!) It was really great to get to bond with all of my cousins, especially the ones I won't see for 3-4 years as they are moving to Papua New Guinea to do mission work. I know they will have such an adventure, but I will miss seeing them for that long.

I have so much to be thankful for in my life. I was born into such a wonderful family that loves me so much. I sometimes muse about how different my life could have been if I had been born to a poor family in New York, natives in Brazil, or a really rich family in California. Things could be so different, but I am glad they are not. I love my life and most everything in it. The only thing I would change right now is that I would be done with school and moving on to the next stage of my life. I know, I know. Supposedly college is the best time of your life, and things only get more stressful after it. But I won't miss the papers and homework, having to worry about tests constantly, and the mundane/boring classes. I'm just a little tired of being at college. It kinda makes you feel cut-off from the rest of the world, like the only thing that matters is school work. But I could not be more appreciative that I am blessed enough to be here.

Now, for a short week of school and then finals week. Christmas will be here so soon!!!

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