Sunday, November 8, 2009


I have been so preoccupied lately with the inundation of worries in my life. I recently got an internship to begin in the spring, and just thinking about starting a new job and the stress that entails has really been hard on me lately. Don't get me wrong- I feel so blessed to get an amazing job with a lot of potential, but starting a new job is always scary.

So this morning, I did something I wouldn't normally do, but I really felt like I needed to get back in touch with myself and work through some personal issues so I stayed at home rather than going to church this morning. I decided to look through Beltway's sermons they have on their website, and I was blessed to find one totally focused on worrying. Did you know our word "worry" originally came from the word "worien" which meant "to grasp by the throat with the teeth and lacerate or strangle to death" ? We really do torment ourselves with things that we cannot change or fix. If we focus on those things, it will only "strangle" us in a way and prevent us from enjoying life and the joy God wants us to have.

It helped me so much to be reminded of the importance of trusting in God. Finding true, Godly peace does not come from the lack of hardship or troubles, but rather from the knowledge of that God is present in our lives and cares for us.

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