Friday, July 17, 2009


People keep asking me "So how is it, adjusting back to being in America?" And I must tell you- it is great! I hadn't realized just how much I loved Texas until I had to leave it. Sure, it's REALLY hot here, and some people say it is boring, but I don't think so. I will confess, it is really hot when you go outside, but at least there is AC when you go indoors to cool you off. In most of Europe, there is no AC. So you go from being really warm outside, to walking inside a building where the air is all still and it is no cooler. It is really pretty uncomfortable. One other thing that is just so great about America is that you get free refills in almost every restaurant. McDonalds wouldn't even give us a free refill over there. Crazy, no?

I loved Europe. I will have to say my favorite place to be was in Rome. I knew we would get to see tons of cool old landmarks, but I just didn't know how much I would love the general feel of the city. It actually seemed really clean to me, everyone there was so friendly and always wanted to help us, and it just seemed so timeless. Now I know why they call it the Eternal City. It really was a gorgeous city- everything from the Mediterranean foliage and the beautiful gardens to the gigantic Colloseum made me realize I was in a special place that was the home of some of the worlds most incredible sites.

I feel so blessed I was able to study abroad in England and visit France, Ireland, and Italy. It was truly an amazing experience that I will never forget and always treasure. I also feel incredibly blessed that I was able to find a job for this next month until I have to return to school. I had been very stressed about not having a job the rest of the summer after spending so much money in Europe. But I found out today that I will be able to be a part-time receptionist until school starts. Hope this finds you all doing well.

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