Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So today I am just not all that happy. I'm not totally sure why, I just feel like I'm trying to trudge uphill against the masses or something. I told myself I wasn't going to write a blog that was anything but positive, but I just couldn't help it today. Today is also just one of those days where I have no patience and feel pretty anti-social. It is probably just because school is crazy and hectic right now, and my grades aren't all I want them to be, or that I miss my David terribly and feel kinda lonely.

I know it isn't good to live in the future and wish the present was over, but who wouldn't wish they were at home in the summer with their loved ones instead of being at school struggling to get 3 different projects done this week?

If you read this, just pray for me to have a better attitude about things, and to have patience and love in my heart until the future does inevitably arrive.

1 comment:

Becca said...

I am pretty sure any college student wishes the present were over this time of year. Your in my prayers krb. I can't wait to see you in a few weeks.