Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year!

I can't believe 2011 went by so quickly. Since January of 2011, so many things have happened. This time last year, I was about to start my last semester of college, I had accepted a job that would enable me to move back to my hometown, I was excited about graduation, a cruise, and a Josh Groban concert, I was watching lots of TV and movies since I didn't have much school work.

Now, I am a full-time employee at an accounting firm. I do mostly tax work, but anything else that one of my many bosses decides to assign to me. While it can be extremely frustrating and difficult sometimes, I know I been blessed beyond measure and count myself very lucky to have such a good job. While preparing tax returns is not what I want to do for all of my working life, it has been a good start to my career that will give me many options and great deals of experience. The frustrating parts of my job are teaching me to be more flexible, willing to learn and to accept challenges (which is something I have never been very good at). And when I'm not at work, I am at home studying for the CPA exam. Life is a little rough right now, but hopefully I will be done with the CPA exam soon and be able to relax.

In summary, 2011 was busy. Here is what I experienced during the past year:
  • Having a relaxing, mostly enjoyable last semester of college
  • Being blessed by sharing a house with three incredible, encouraging women of God
  • Having 3 consecutive days off of school and work because of snow and ice. We had so much fun walking to the grocery store, rescuing freezing puppies, and cooking food together
  • Experiencing my first tax season at my internship
  • Graduating with my Masters of Accountancy
  • Saying goodbye to a place I loved, ACU, and moving back to my hometown
  • Going on a cruise to different parts of Mexico with my parents
  • Seeing flying fish, totally clear ocean water, and of course getting a horrible sunburn while simultaneously learning I was allergic to different types of sunscreen
  • Buying a puppy
  • Seeing my absolute favorite singer/musician ever in person, Josh Groban. He was within 3 feet of me! (And may I add that his voice was even better in person than on CD)
  • Taking my little sister to Medieval Times. Go Blue Knight!
  • Starting my first full-time job.
  • Moving into my very own apartment
  • Teaching said puppy to use the bathroom ONLY outside (this is an ongoing process. ha)
  • Experiencing extreme confusion, frustration and realizing how much school did not teach me while at my new job (this is also ongoing)
  • Studying for the CPA exam. This has been one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.
  • Passing two parts of the CPA exam the first time I took them
  • Buying a car
  • Gaining new friends
  • Losing old friends
  • Missing ACU, Europe, professors, and college friends very badly
  • Having a wonderful holiday season with friends and family while learning to fully appreciate having days off of work
Wow. 2011 was a really good year. I pray that 2012 can be at least half as good. Of course, I have tried to think of some resolutions for the new year. While they may not seem very unique or exciting, they represent significant potential accomplishments for me.

  1. Be a blessing to others by donating my time and money to people in need
  2. Make new friends and try to quit missing college so badly
  3. Pass the remaining two parts of the CPA exam
  4. Journal and blog more often
  5. Learn a new skill
As you can tell, I really like making lists =)

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