For example, Tilda Swinton. Enough said.
Wood floors... I had always heard how wonderful they were (easy to clean, beautiful... etc) However, in our old little house the wood floors are really old. They are extremely loud, and you have to be really careful with moving furniture so that you don't scratch them. Whenever I am lightly walking down the hallway, my footsteps make me sound like I have gained 200 lbs. Also, I imagine they will be really cold in the winter.

Also, if you are in college, do not put up posters with any of the following: Hannah Montana, Legolas, or a poster of the Mad Hatter. You will be ridiculed, as you deserve to be.
I just had an experience with another aspect of our world that was just a bad idea from the get-go: those sidewalks with incredibly bright, shiny particles in them. It is especially painful to the eyes when it is a 101 degrees outside and the sun is as bright as it ever gets... those things reflect the light so intensely that I could not see where I was going.
Sometimes I wonder if it was a bad idea to move here. I honestly wonder if I would have been happier staying at home, or going somewhere else instead. I also wonder if perhaps me moving here has changed my life in ways I will never know. It is so weird to think that if I had decided to go to college somewhere else, there would be hundreds of people I wouldn't know even existed and they have all affected my life in some way. Its not something you can really put into words exactly, I just wonder sometimes.
Anyways, here is a good idea- chicken sweaters. Thanks to whoever came up with this one. =)
Kristin I am glad you are here. I also believe that God places us in places that we don't have knowledge of until it is time for us to know. You may not know the reason yet, but you are in Abilene for a reason.
the what if game... ahh i know it too well. But as Ryan said its in his hands. still insane to ponder every once and a while.
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