Monday, June 14, 2010

It isn't so bad

Well I have been working about a month now this summer and it is going pretty well I guess. It is pretty dull most of the time (Right now, I am scanning papers for 8 hours a day) but they pay me pretty well for it so I guess I shouldn't complain. The firm is pretty relaxed and flexible about things that come up (like if I need to take time off suddenly). We are also in the process of moving around offices/desks since we just expanded our office square footage so hopefully I will be getting my own space soon. Sharing a desk with another intern gets a little cramped sometimes!

The summer hasn't turned out to be quite as horrible as I thought it would. I thought I would have a lot of free time and have a hard time finding things to do. But actually, I haven't been bored at all. I don't get off of work until 5 or 5:30, then I go workout, make dinner, and by the time all of that is finished, I have time for a couple episodes of LOST before bed. I actually wish I had more free time so I could clean my room/house regularly and read some. I started watching LOST because I realized that all of the seasons are online from Netflix so it has worked out pretty well... but it is super addicting!

I took off of work all of last week so I could go on a spur-of-the-moment trip with David and his family. At first, I was my usual self... over analyzing everything and worrying about how much money I would lose not working for a week. But I am so glad that I went and quit worrying about that! It was a blast. The plan was to go to DC for the week since David's dad had a firm meeting up there, but they ended up surprising me and we spent the first night and day at the Greenbrier resort in West Virginia. It was amazing! Everying was gorgeous and so full of history. We had dinner at the hotel (where they still require you to dress up for dinner), went bowling, went on a tour of the emergency relocation bunker that was secretly built under the Greenbrier for the members of Congress and the Senate in case of nuclear fallout. We also went on a beautiful hike up in the mountains. It was so nice to be spoiled for a little bit and get to see some beautiful things! Also, I don't think I have ever been in quite so comfortable of a place. My bed, carpet, chairs, etc... were the epitome of comfort and historic elegance.

After our night and day of exploring the Greenbrier, we flew on to DC. Over the next several days, we toured the Smithsonian Museums of Natural Science, American History, as well as Air and Space. We also saw all of the big monuments, the White House, Arlington National Cemetery, and went to see the pandas at the National Zoo. At the end of the week, we over to Annapolis to see David's sister and her husband that moved up there about a year ago. They live in a really cute neighborhood not too far away from downtown Annapolis (which has to be the most charming and quaint place I have been to since I was in Europe) and after they cooked us dinner, we went to the downtown area, had ice cream, and walked around, looking at the docks and sailboats. It was really nice.

I was so glad I was able to take a break from work for a week and enjoy being in an amazing part of the country I had never been to with people I love. Well, I should probably get back to work now and quit reminiscing.

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