Thursday, March 25, 2010


I'm not quite sure why professors feel the need to give tests on a Friday. I mean, Wednesdays are the perfect days for tests: You don't have to study over the weekend, but you aren't totally drained from the rest of the week already... which is my case tonight. I have two tests tomorrow, and my brain is really tired of learning for the week. Besides, pretty much every college student knows that Thursday is the new Friday. Professors should know that by now.

Also, when I know I have something important I know I should be studying for I can't bring myself to do it and end up doing random, strange things instead. For instance, last year, Poddie Whittaker and I stayed up past 3 am learning how to Bollywood dance and eating Swedish Fish after watching Slumdog Millionaire instead of studying for finals. Do I regret this decision? Not at all. It was one of the most memorable school nights I have ever had. I am having a similar situation now... although it isn't quite as fun. I'm sitting here with my Geology and Management books open on my bed and my notes all over my lap, but I am blogging and watching NCIS... it is quite nice =)

I have learned through my years at college that sometimes you have to do things that are impractical in order to have memorable experiences. That is something I was never very good at doing pre-college. So what if I made a few points lower on a Bible final? I had fun, and got closer to a friend.

I am so glad I decided to go to school here. I will be the first to admit- my first couple of years here were not very good. People always had told me what "college" was, how everyone makes like 25373838 friends, and how you have to be involved in every little thing for it to really be college. And because of that, I went through my first couple of years not really liking things because college was not living up to its expectations. But finally, when I stopped trying to meet everyone else's expectations and trying to participate in things that just made me feel awkward (and more lonely) I started having a lot more fun and gaining confidence in myself. As cheesy as it sounds, I now feel like I know who I am and like I have found myself. So what if I am not a social butterfly who wants to be out and about all the time? That is just not who I am. I have my good friends and the things I enjoy doing, and to try and form myself to anything different just won't work as I have realized.

Another thing I have loved about going to school here is my professors. There are very few schools where your profs will have you over for a BBQ, or invite you over to play Deal or No Deal at their house for bonus points on a test. They are also godly people who encourage me and make me want to do my best.

In other news, my roommates and I are currently "house hunting" and it is not an easy experience! When we finally find one we like and decide we would like to pursue living there, the owner (who previously had impressed on us that no one else is interested) calls and says someone is thinking about buying it. Or the houses are too expensive. Or they smell like smoke. Or they are way too far away from campus. AGH!!! But I know something will turn up soon. It always does, and then I regret worrying about it so much.

I also realized that coffee truly does work. I usually cannot stay awake in Business Law for the life of me. Like seriously... someone could set loose a wild money in the room and I would still have droopy eyelids. But today, thanks to the power of delicious vanilla hazelnut coffee, I actually remembered what we talked about!

My textbooks are calling my name... Blessings to you all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved this post. I would like to see your Bollywood moves someday.:)
Aunt Deborah