Friday, December 5, 2008


Today was the last day of classes! This semester actually went by really fast, and I have finally gotten used to being away from home (after 3 semesters of college. Ha!)

I live in a "pod"- four rooms, each with each two people, all connecting to a living room. And the past couple of weeks, we have all gotten really close, mainly because of a "competition". We started decorating for Christmas in our pod, and then one day, we saw that the pod adjoining to ours had copied our ideas and was trying to have more decorations than us. Well, we definitely could not have that. So for a week now, me and my podmates sit in the living room every night coloring christmas things, making paper chains, and cutting out snowflakes. I feel like I am in kindergarten again. haha. We have garland around all of the doors, 8 stockings on the wall, and lights everwhere. We have definitely won the christmas decoration contest.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pod thing sounds so Mork and Mindyish! Do you even know what I am talking about!?? I might be too old to write on your blog:) I am glad you are having fun decorating!!! We still discuss the tumbleweed Christmas tree that was made in our family, so I am sure you will always have this good college memory!Love ya!Deborah