Wednesday, November 2, 2011

One year later...

It has been over a year since I blogged last... it is sad because I enjoy blogging and reading other peoples blogs. (Also, I just used the word "blog" 3 times in one sentence. lame.)

Between graduating from college, moving, getting my own apartment, getting a dog, starting a new job, working on the CPA exam, and buying a car, 2011 has been a pretty busy year for me. Despite my level of busy-ness, I have felt extremely blessed the past several months and have had a great time being back in town with my family and David. I am so glad I get to be a part of my little sister's life more, help my parents with things, and see all of our family-friends again.

I have decided that I want to be more diligent about blogging because I always love going back and reading over all of my old posts at later times. Also, it is a good way to write down feelings and record experiences. To start off each post, I will share the main thoughts going through my head that day.

Today's thoughts:

  • Oh my goodness! Christmas is coming! I want to decorate and buy things like ornaments, but it is only November. Guess I should wait and tone down my Christmas excitement.

  • I am sick of my allergies and having to sniffle all day at work.

  • I want to be done studying for the CPA exam.

Honestly, that last thought goes through my head about 100 times every day. Studying for this exam has been the hardest thing I have ever done. It is hard to find the motivation to study when I get home from working 8 hours and would rather watch TV and play with my dog. But someday when I am finally done, I know I will feel so accomplished and proud of myself and I will get to do the things I have been missing. Here are the things I plan to do when I pass all parts of the exam:

  • Go on a trip- preferably to Europe.

  • Take cake decorating classes

  • Re-watch LOST

  • Read a good book

  • Join a gym

  • Cook things

Having things to look forward to does help ease the painful effects of studying at night.