Sunday, August 8, 2010

Can it be?

I cannot believe summer is almost over. While this has been my first "grown-up" summer, I have also had the opportunity to have fun and go to some cool places. At first, it was a real challenge to stay in college town and have to work while everyone else, so it felt, went back home. But like most things the past three years, it strengthened me in different ways and I am sure I learned something from the experience. For one, I learned I absolutely HATE staying in a house by myself. I can't sleep, and get so paranoid of every little noise I hear that I am a wreck when I have to get up and go to work in the morning. Another thing I learned is that I must actually really like school because it was so weird being around campus but not seeing any professors or school friends. I missed doing homework (gasp!), walking around campus, and sitting in class with people.

On another note, I just watched Julie & Julia and it really made me want to learn to cook. Also, it made me want to have something to blog about besides what I do on a few random days every month. I would absolutely LOVE to find a hobby or something I could do for fun continuously. I love painting, but I'm not very good at it and the supplies get a little expensive. I do enjoy cooking, but since I usually am cooking just for myself, it just wouldn't be very much fun. I guess I could take up crocheting or something but that just would make me sound like an old lady. Playing the piano would be cool too, but I don't have one and I would need to find a teacher and some spare time. Any other fun ideas?

I am staying at home tomorrow and missing work, but I enjoy being here so much and won't really be able to do that at all once school starts in a couple of weeks. I have had a great weekend being with my family, watching the men at church build a new playground, going with David to a wedding in Austin, and eating at all of my favorite restaurants that aren't in college town.
