Monday, May 24, 2010


Well, summer is here and for the first time in my life it is also nonexistent. I will be working full time this summer away from home and lately it has been really hard to get used to. Right now, my employers just have me doing office-type work (scanning, filing) and doing that for 8 hours a day gets a little tedious. I always want to feel useful and appreciated, but so far this summer I don't feel like I am really doing anything that matters and that is hard for me.

I have always wanted to have a job that has a deeper meaning than just making money. One that could impact peoples' lives, or make a difference in the world, but I am having trouble seeing how I will realize that desire with a job in accounting. I know I can still help people and show God's love to others, but nonetheless I just feel like it is an office job that will help me get by in life. I know God must have a purpose for me in all of this though and that he has blessed me with the ability to do this type of job well- so for that I am thankful.

Here are a few random thoughts/observations:

Why is college so expensive and how has the cost of tuition increased such an incredibly high amount since my parents were in college? I mean, even state schools are really expensive (it would have cost me just as much to go to a public university as a private one) so I am not just considering my university. It makes me dread having to put my children through school someday and also wonder how much school will cost then. It will be interesting to see how paying off students loans will affect my generation. It seems like my parents' generation has had a lot of trouble with credit card debt and things like that, but I feel like my peers and I have been educated enough about the dangers of credit debt that we won't have such a huge issue with that. Instead, we will struggle to pay off our student loans.

Also, why do people not use their turn signals, especially if you are on the highway and slowing down from 70 mph to 30 so you can turn off onto some tiny dirt road? Seriously people, come on. I do not enjoy slamming on my brakes and avoiding hitting the back of your car because you didn't feel like warning me you were going to slow down and turn until you were already turning.

I have recently discovered that I really love grilling food, Texas, minitature horses, the smell of racing fuel, LOST, riding bikes, and having moments that make you realize how blessed your life actually is.

Journaling or blogging always helps me to put things into perspective and pause for a moment and realize what things are truly important. I don't usually write whenever I am feeling down, but today, I just felt like I really needed to. I know things will get better, but it is really tough right now for me having to move into this new phase of my life. Endings and beginnings are always hard, but I get through them eventually and look back and see how much they helped me to grow.