Monday, October 26, 2009


Here are a list of my favorite things... people, movies, words, situations, feelings, smells... you name it. I love makings lists... especially lists of things that make me happy! So here it goes:

  • wearing scarves
  • typing
  • painting
  • watching epic movies
  • wearing my comfy pants
  • making hazelnut coffee in the morning
  • gerbera daisies
  • getting hand written notes
  • little kids being legitimately joyful
  • my used, loved Bible
  • getting a new purse
  • taking pictures of random things that make me laugh
  • seeing squirrels try to "hide" from you by freezing their movement
  • getting inbox messages on Facebook
  • blogging
  • decorating
  • homemade hot chocolate
  • finding really cool things for really cheap
  • wearing ridiculous socks
  • naps
  • when my mom thinks of really random, nice things to do for me
  • when I get texts from David in the middle of the night
  • having my dog wake me up
  • delicious fajitas from On the Border
  • a brand new diary
  • a new episode of House
  • when people call and want to spend time with me
  • getting a lot of homework done in one afternoon
  • Swiffer-ing the apartment
  • wearing sweatshirts
  • the word "subpoena"
  • getting really dressed up
  • funny quotes from Nacho Libre
  • working on homework upstairs at the library with a Carmel Macchiato
  • jewelry
  • Christmas caroling
  • riding my bike
  • swimming when the pool is not cold
  • Josh Groban's music
  • reading for hours
  • being with my whole, huge family
  • knowing that Jesus loves me and was here on Earth.
  • going trap shooting
  • Coldstone ice cream
  • Twilight
  • getting a job
  • driving on a beautiful, fall day
  • having a favorite song come on the radio randomly
  • vintage clothing and art
  • traveling.
  • ancient history and artifacts
  • the word "superfluous"
  • stepping on crunchy acorns
  • playing with puppies
  • taking Sydney for a walk
  • playing tennis
  • the smell of laundry
  • going somewhere where everyone knows your name
  • finding really cool things at Marshall's
  • dress shopping
  • Groucho Marx quotes... such as "You're making a mountain out of a molehill!", "Well that's quite a trick! You should try it sometime"
  • finding old, funny photos of you and friends doing silly things
That can be enough for now. Life can be really good sometimes.