Monday, September 14, 2009

New School Year

Wow. I can't believe this is my senior year. College has flown by! I am enjoying most of my classes even though they are a lot of work. My schedule is also amazing!!! On Monday and Wednesday, I have Bible, Cross Training, and Advanced Accounting. On Tuesday and Thursday, I have Business Law, Auditing, and Business and Professional Writing. On Fridays, all I have are Bible and Cross Training, which is amazing. Although I will have to study a lot this semester, I am enjoying my classes and what I am learning. I am feeling like this college is really preparing me to be an accountant someday, in whatever field I choose to be in.

I have been feeling so blessed lately. I have an amazing family who supports me and encourages me, and I have a wonderful boyfriend that helps me through hard times and helps me calm down when I am stressed out. I love having my own room in an apartment this year- it really makes me feel like I am more at home in this city away from my home. Living in the dorms just always made me feel like I was camping out away from home. I also have some great roommates/apartment-mates that are fun to be with and help me out whenever I need it. While it hasn't been good for me financially, getting my hours cut in half at the library is really probably best for my school work and my stress level. I think 10 hours a week is really all I could handle right now anyways. I am also really enjoying being a part of a lifegroup and I recently joined the SALT organization so I look forward to all that will entail.

I know I have to make a lot of decisions this semester concerning grad school and things like that, but I am really not all that worried about it and am actually starting to look forward to what the future may hold. It is really nice to finally feel at home here and to not mind being away from home. The past two years were really hard in that regard, and I am glad I feel more independent and integrated into college life.